Over the past year we’ve offered free DNA testing for parasites to all Microbiome Testing clients, as we developed the tankDNA Test.
Today we’re happy to announce we’ve finished development and are ready to launch the tankDNA Test. Any clients who participated in the beta testing may be interested to know that we’ve improved the sampling protocol for even higher sensitivity than the version they used.
For any Microbiome Tests purchased from this point forward, the tankDNA test will no longer be offered as a free service, since we’ve worked out the bugs and consider it ready for production.
Instead, clients can purchase the tankDNA Test as a standalone service here.
If you purchased your Microbiome Test prior to today (Aug 7, 2021) and are still holding the sampling kit, we will still honor our previous offer and provide tankDNA Testing on those samples free of charge.
We ask any clients in that category please return your samples by Oct 31, 2021 to take advantage of this offer.
Please feel free to contact us by email with any questions. Thanks for your continued support!