Sample Testing Schedule

We test two batches of samples per month — a batch every 2 weeks. 

We start one batch in the middle of the month, the second at the end of the month. 

Turnaround time for your sample depends on when you send it to us. To get your data back as quickly as possible, you can ship your sample to us shortly before these deadlines (mid- and end of month).

Samples arriving at our facility before these cutoff dates will be included in that batch. Samples arriving later will be included in the next batch.

Overall, turnaround times are 2-4 weeks depending on when we receive your sample. 

Microbiome & tankDNA Test Status

Batch numberSamples receivedStatusReports are expected (approximately)
Batch 77July 16- Jul 31, 2024Accepting samplesAug 16, 2024
Batch 76Jul 1 - Jul 15, 2024At sequencing centerAug 2, 2024
Batch 75Jun 16 - Jun 30, 2024`Reports are availableJuly 25, 2024
You can find the status of your sample based on the date we received your sample at the lab (see the email notification to locate this date).

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