How long does it take to get my results?

The high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies that make this analysis possible require that we process samples in large batches (50-200 at a time). Because a sample received early in a batch may have to wait a while until the batch is complete, this can introduce delays.

You can generally expect to receive a detailed analysis of your sample within 4 weeks of its arrival at our facility. Depending on your position in the queue, you may receive your report a bit earlier or later than this.

If you’re curious about what’s happening with your sample while you wait, here is a brief explanation of what happens:

The way this technology works requires that we process samples in batches. So when we receive your sample, we extract the DNA, and prepare it for DNA sequencing. This takes about a week of hands-on time in the lab to process each batch.

Once we accumulate enough samples for sequencing, we send the batch to the DNA sequencing facility. DNA sequencing is typically completed within 1 week.

When sequencing is completed, they send us the raw data (~2 million DNA sequences). We run our programs to analyze the data, and within about 12 – 24 hours your report is ready. At that time, you’ll get an email with a link to your results.

So overall the turnaround time for these samples depends on when your sample arrives at our facility. If it arrives right before we begin processing a batch, it should be completed in less than 2 weeks. Sample arriving after that will be processed in the following batch, generally starting about 2 weeks later.

Because this process includes several variables outside of our control, we can’t make any guarantees about timing. But we hope this description helps you understand the reasons for the time it takes to process your samples.

If you have questions at any point during the process feel free to contact us by email.