Terms and Conditions
DNA Test Subscriptions

After reading, return to Checkout and click the box to accept the Terms.

Acceptance of Terms

By subscribing to AquaBiomics’ testing services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


  • We will automatically ship you a new sampling kit each month as long as the subscription is active.
  • You agree to pay the monthly subscription fee as long as the subscription is active.
  • We will automatically ship your monthly sampling kit, and bill your account on schedule, regardless of when you return the sample from your previous kit.
  • You can pause your subscription at any time through the “My Account” section on the website.
  • Because the subscription confers a discounted rate, you agree to maintain your subscription for at least three billing cycles, after which it may be canceled at any time.

Sample Processing and Results

You acknowledge that:

  • Standard processing time for DNA testing is approximately 2 weeks from receipt of sample.
  • While we work hard to meet this timeframe, various factors outside of our control may cause delays in sample processing or data delivery.
  • We reserve the right to extend processing time if necessary without penalty or refund.
  • Results will be delivered electronically to the user account provided at sample registration.

Payment and Refunds

  • Payment is required in full at the time you purchase your sampling kit.
  • No refunds can be granted for any reason after we have begun processing your sample.
  • Failed tests due to sample quality issues are not eligible for refunds.
  • If your sample fails, AquaBiomics will provide one replacement kit free of charge to take a replacement sample.

Limitation of Liability

AquaBiomics is not liable for:

  • Loss or damage to samples during shipping.
  • Compromised accuracy of results due to contaminated or improperly collected samples.
  • Any declines in the health of your aquarium or livestock following the use of our testing services.
  • Delays in processing your sample due to circumstances beyond our control.

Privacy and Data Usage

We collect and process personal information and genetic data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By using our services, you grant us permission to:

  • Process your submitted samples
  • Store relevant genetic data
  • Use anonymized data for research purposes